
Monday 12 March 2018

Laws of physics - or metaphysics?

The death of a loved one is always one of the most difficult, stressful and downright sad events in anyone's life.  We look for comfort from our family, our friends and in some cases religion – a reassurance that we have not lost our loved one and also that we too will not cease to exist when we inevitably die.

I have been thinking about this for years – religious faith can answer some of the questions, but in an increasingly secular age, faith is not always enough. We want a plausible scientific explanation – one that in an increasingly technical age can bring some sort of idea of why? Today we question everything – and that is right – it advances us, expands our store of knowledge, sometimes extremely painfully, but still adds to the advancement of the human race. There are some things that we will never be able to understand – like why the universe, why me why him or her?

Well I believe we can draw some comfort not only from family, friends or faith but also some of the more immutable laws of the universe in which we we were created. What do I mean?

The science of physics has many rules – some are very complex and some are very simple. The laws don't always answer the question why but they do help us in understanding the way our world functions at every level.

One of the most simple universal laws is this – you can't destroy energy.  To me this law is one of the most powerful arguments that we have today for an afterlife.

We are all unique – there is only one of us. The odds of us even being here are infinitesimally small and yet we are still here. And we are all unique, we all have something in our bodies that makes me me, you you and them them. But what is this? After thousands of years pondering this, we have come up with only one thing – humans have a soul. We don't know what it is or where it is or even how it is but we do know that it is what makes us all individuals.

So what happens to our soul when our body finally dies – this is where the physics comes in - you can't destroy energy.

The human body is a mass of energy throughout its life but eventually it wears out, succumbs to disease or is killed by external forces. Superficially you would think that its energy has been lost but in fact all that has happened is that it has been converted into energy in a different form. Our bodies are like everything else in the universe, they are born, exist and eventually die like all matter – they then become a fuel source for other living things, plants, animals, insects who in turn go through the same cycle. But one thing is missing – what has happened to the electrical energy that has powered us through life? The loss of our electrical energy means that the body will die but it has to go somewhere and this is where I believe the soul goes, it passes out of the body and back into the universe that created it and to me that is where our afterlife is.

The universe, to slightly misquote Douglas Adams in the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy - is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to the Universe. And out there are the souls of everything and anyone who has ever existed. The problem is that we have not yet learned how to tap into that energy so we can start unravelling all the universal questions but I do believe that prayer is one of the ways we can learn to communicate with the souls of our loved ones and also the complexities of the universe.

My conclusion is this – there is life after bodily death; the laws of physics indicate it. All those we used to know but are now gone really are still with us – they have to be. All we have to do is learn how to communicate with them. Try prayer – have a conversation with them. I believe you will be surprised at the result and also comforted. They will talk to you – you may not like what they say but that's down to you!

And what do you have to lose by trying?

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